Wednesday, May 29, 2013


So, quite a while ago, my friend Clover gave me this.
I guess I should've gotten a shot of the side - it's a pile 3 inches high of flashcards. There are pictures on one side with words on the other - the French word, the English word, and the French pronunciation. Clover explained that while she was at work, in the office at an elementary school, a lady came in and donated them. The school didn't want them, but she took them, and gave them to me. Her only comment was, "I knew you could do something interesting and crafty with these." I appreciated her faith in me, and I knew I wanted to do something cool and crafty. But, at first, I had no idea how I was going to make it happen. I let months go by, and then I was struck.
What does this space need? Flashcards, clearly. It took me a while to figure out how I might go about displaying the flashcards. I was browsing at Target not that long ago and noticed that they were marketing a set of three miniature clipboards as picture frames. Those frames were sized for 4x6 photos, but that was definitely the inspiration. I measured the flashcards and then starting doing some online research. I soon realized that memo-sized clipboards would be just the right size for these flashcards. At less than $3 each, I got right over to Office Max and bought 4. And then I went back for 4 more!
Hanging them was actually pretty simple because they're small enough and close enough together that I was able to use my level to level and to measure. Perfection!

The next step was to fuss with the cards to pick an ideal layout. Here's my first draft!

And here's my second draft!
One of the coolest things about the clipboard method is that they can easily be changed around - both with the other cards in the current layout and the cards that remain in the stack, safely stowed in the study. It's very neat!

Plus, given the era when the cards were made, the clipboards are a good style match.
Don't you just want to walk right into this living room? It actually reminds me a little of the living room at my grandfather's house - it's funny how things go out and then come back in! And who wouldn't love that teal color? ;)

And come on, isn't the pronunciation guide hilarious? Mais oui!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I'm so glad you found a use for them! This looks great!
