Friday, March 30, 2012

I did it!

At the very end of 2011, I received a gift subscription to a magazine called The Week. I hadn't even heard of this publication until sometime in 2011, when my boss explained to me that she is a devoted reader. She gave me the subscription for Christmas and I've enjoyed it a lot. I was initially somewhat unsure as to whether I would like it. The magazine provides news shorts from all over the world with very few in-depth articles. While that allows you to pick it up and put it down pretty easily, it can also be frustrating not to get much depth. That said, I've gotten used to it and really grown to appreciate the broad scan over lots of different news stories.

The Week also includes a crossword puzzle. Score! This was totally unexpected. I'm not that great at these, but I do enjoy them. I've been working on them diligently each week. I usually get a bunch of words but then have to give up. Not this time! Now that I've been a subscriber for about 12 weeks (during which there were about 10 issues), I finally completed the cross word puzzle!

And if you want to find out which words I got right, you can click here. Keep your fingers crossed - this could be the beginning of a streak!

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